I have a short message for everyone:. Don't be discouraged by short term circumstances in the market.

10 May 2023, 14:40
I have a short message for everyone: Don't be discouraged by short term circumstances in the market. I want to assure you that we are an extremely proactive and relentless team that is building hard in the bear market. As a team we have well organized and structured meetings to make sure that we are focusing on the right priorities, at the right time; all while doing this efficiently. We mentioned on AMAs, COPcasts, Weekly Updates and Community Spotlights that Q2 would be all about beefing up the launchpad for this rocket to take off with everything everyone is looking forward to. We are very happy with how the app is performing so far and now we just have to keep adding optimizations, features, verified tokens and great content for the world to get to know it. To those of you that have been here since the beginning: we're right at the most exciting time for Copiosa and you're going to love what's coming! And to those of you who are actively spreading the word about Copiosa: you will have much more exciting content coming to continue to showcase what Copiosa is all about! Lastly, I'll drop this quote I came across. Not sure who's it is but it goes something like this: “Patience is not the ability to wait, but the ability to keep a positive outlook while waiting.”